My Story

Hi Love. I’m Erica.

Seven years ago, I began a walk back towards my womb. Moved by some deeper inner voice that I couldn’t fully understand at the time. Walking towards something that I could feel but couldn’t see.

It started as stepping away from 14 years of hormonal birth control. It started as trying to find ‘the thing’ that would help the pelvic pain that had started to speak— loudly. It started as reading books, taking courses, listening to podcasts. It started as slowly unwinding from the idea that someone knew better about my body than I did…

…Where my womb would take me from there— I could never have imagined.

My work carries threads from my ten years as an occupational therapist. From the stories of women who have known a sense of defeat in their bodies, fracture and loss. Equally, stories of courage. Of choosing and new beginnings.

And it carries the threads of knowing real pain in my own body for the better part of a decade. The feeling that my body was fragile, that my body was something I had to control, that life was too much to handle. My own creativity which felt extinguished and separate.

My womb led me back to myself. And you only realize how far you've strayed when you return. To a deeper, truer, more radiant version than I could have willed on my own. To a sense of belonging. Wholeness. And all the things I desired to co-create with Her from there.

I want to walk that path with you too. Towards the part of you that knows, that always knew. The part that never abandoned you, that was always here. That laughs with well-creased eyes and an aching belly so certain of her own worthiness, I can’t believe I ever forgot.

The more that you start to know your body,
the more you will start to know yourself.

The pieces that you really want in and for the world.
The pieces you both desire and need.
The parts of you that feel messy, unfinished, raw.
The parts that haven’t yet had the chance to be welcomed back.

A whole new way of relating to Life.
Womb-deep. Heart-wide. Hope-full. And so alive.

At the Art of Woman, I hold a vision for a world in which—

You know your body as your biggest ally. Not something to struggle against, but a keeper of your stories, wisdom, the unique and sacred fingerprint that is you.

The wisdom of your body is celebrated in medical communities — is consulted throughout your healing and care — that your body is given the space, time and honor she needs to find her way.

Being a Woman no longer feels like a burden — in your bleed, your beauty, your mothering, your very Womb and breasts, in menopause, in aging, in the range that you are capable of feeling — but a gosh darn honor, a responsibility, a magical and otherworldly path because these parts of you are equally revered, given space, spoken of in your community.

Your art, writing, painting, voice comes from your womb because it comes from what’s true. Your creativity becomes something that you splash around in and receive nourishment from regularly — that carries the change we wish to see.

Learning the ways of your body is a cornerstone curriculum — in intimacy, in conception and birth, in your cycle, in your honest ‘yes’ and '‘no’ — such that you can actively and bravely participate in your life.

Unnecessary C-sections, hysterectomies and medical intervention are a thing of the past because your body is given so much time. Procedures are used with true intention and care.

Our men know that they are loved and enough — that they hold an active understanding of our bodies’ cycles and help create the conditions to support these — that they have the space to connect with their own creativity and wild.

The Earth begins to feel the deepening connection with our wombs, to grow more fertile, more cared for, more alive. That we return and return to Her as our teacher.

There is room for your desire, voice, vision, wisdom — and that yours is no longer a threat to mine but an add — of power, of rhythm, of harmony, of Woman.

That big, yes.

I care more about the way you know your body than the courses you’ve taken or letters behind your name.

Still, here are the programs + teachers that are fundamental to my perspective.

  • Innate Postpartum Care Practitioner Training (January 2025-November 2025)

  • Shamani; The Womb Room (July 2024-Sept 2024)

  • Flesh + Blood; Carly Rae Beaudry (August 2023 - August 2024)

  • The Womb Wisdom School, Rewrite Your Womb Story; Jasmine Rose mentorship (2021-2023)

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™, Holistic Pelvic Energy™; Tami Lynn Kent (2020)

  • Healer Training Level 1; Erin Telford (2021) 

  • Sexual Empowerment; Marisa Sullivan (2020)

  • Myofascial Release I, II, Fascial Pelvis, Healing Seminar; John Barnes (2018-2020)

  • Trauma Informed Care; Kim Barthel (2020)

  • Pelvic Floor Level 1, Herman and Wallace (2019)

  • OT Pioneers: Introduction to Pelvic Floor Therapy for OTs, Lindsey Vestal (2019) 

  • Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Klose Training + the Norton School (2015-2020)

  • Masters of Occupational Therapy, Tufts University (2015)

  • Bachelors of Arts, Communications and Creative Writing, Boston College (2008)

Let’s create something together.