Your body is your connection to your art.
The bridge between pathology and possibility.
This moment and the next. And when you turn towards her wisdom, everything changes.
Your body is your connection to your art.
Your sense of self. Your expression. The stories you’ve lived. The gifts, dreams, and innate interests you carry.
And your ability to be with your body — the pulsing flesh and blood of you, not merely the idea of you — will feed your ability to be with all of it.
To know your body as the lifeline to your art. Your purpose. Your song.
Welcome to The Art of Woman.
A space for learning, feeling, story-telling, remembering.
A space for the artist to claim her body, her womb, and her art as her own.
Hands-on Pelvic & Womb Care | Mentorship | Community Circle
on Cape Cod & in Hudson Valley
In a world that says ‘faster, more immediately, better,’ it is a radical way of being to walk within the pace of your own body.
To say, ‘deeper, richer, enough.’ To turn towards your own heart and center, and claim a life that is wholly meant for you.
And yet, that’s what we’re here to do. To live— wholly, richly, in sync with our own design. To radically know our bodies so well that the Love we know through them becomes limitless. That life starts to breathe again. Possibility does.
Walk with me. Land in your body, learn from her, learn from You. And all that you might create from there.
Hi, Beautiful Love. I’m Erica.
As a pelvic and oncology therapist, I’ve seen how easy it is to experience fracture of all kinds in our bodies— an event that can bring us to a before and an after. A line in the sand between who you are and who you used to be. A feeling of separation.
As a woman, I’ve seen the ways we can feel separate from our bodies too— a fracture that happens insidiously and over time, where we slowly lose a sense of ourselves, our own instinct.
I’ve also seen what is possible when we meet our bodies ready to listen. The moments of remembrance. And possibility. The stir where our purpose and our art begin to come alive again — the ways we desire to express.
As women, our bodies are designed to be in and carry us through transition. Birth us into the next.
And just as your body can carry you through transition, I’m here to be a bridge for you too. Between a medical experience and the creativity you long to express. The last chapter and the next one. To collect all parts of you and welcome them back home.
To walk you into a deep sense of intimacy in knowing your actual physical, emotional, and spiritual body. Your ability as Woman to begin again, to create, to shed, to let go.
It’s all right here. Come inside.
Whether you are a practitioner, artist, mama, or woman looking to step closer to yourself,
I know you’re here to create something beautiful. To know a different kind of beauty. And at the heart of it: your body is the muse in learning how.
At Art of Woman, we’re empowering women to take the lead in their own craft, medical care, motherhood, and leaps of faith — and to know a sense of undoubted wholeness in all of it.